Ratek analogue block heaters use a custom designed temperature controller to ensure accurate and stable temperature control. The heating surface is aluminium plate machined flat to ensure that when used with Ratek machined blocks heating is even across the block. Once set the heaters can be left for extended periods of operation, a safety cut out is fitted and will operate in the unlikely event of control failure. Blocks are available to suit most test tube sizes, plus special blocks to suit Microtitre plates. Each block has provision for a reference thermometer. Microtitre blocks can only be used in block heaters with a capacity of 2 or more standard blocks. All aluminium parts are anodised and the case powder coated for added durability.
Acetone (4)
Adaptors (5)
Balances (5)
Beakers (2)
Bottle (2)
Bottles (3)
Bunsen (6)
Burettes (2)
Clamps (9)
Colony (1)
Compact (2)
Condenser (1)
Crucible (10)
Desiccators (4)
Digital (1)
Dispensing (3)
Disposable (2)
EnviroGlassware (3)
Filter paper (7)
Filter Papers (8)
Flask (7)
Frames (10)
Funnel (2)
Glass Fibre (1)
Glass Fibres (1)
Glass Measuring (2)
Glassware (24)
Hotplates (14)
Incubator (4)
Jacks (8)
LabCo Equipment (22)
LabCo Liquid Handling (12)
Liquid Handling (16)
MagnaGraph (14)
Magnetic (12)
Membrane (6)
Meters (2)
Mixers (26)
Mojonnier (1)
Nessler (1)
Nylon (6)
ParaFilm (1)
pH-Sticks (7)
Pipette (4)
Pipette Accessories (7)
Pipettes (8)
Pipumps (1)
Plastics Disposable (2)
Plasticware (11)
Portable pen (1)
Rack (7)
Ratek Instruments (9)
Ratek Mixers (13)
Rubber (1)
Scissors (10)
SEM (5)
SEM Hotplates (4)
SEM Ovens (1)
Shaker (3)
Spatulas (26)
Syringe Filtration (10)
Teflon (6)
Thermoregulator (3)
Uncategorized (10)
Vacuum Filtration (6)
Vacuum Pump (1)
Volumetric (7)
Volumetric Glassware (2)
Waterbaths (5)