Purpose built from day one ... here are some facts about Ionode's IJ SERIES.
- You'll find an IJ sensor to suit most applications and parameters including pH, REDOX and ion specific determinations such as fluoride, chloride, iodide, bromide, cyanide and others.
- IJ are unequalled in water, food, wine, dairy, contaminated samples, industrial and mining applications and the harshest of laboratory environments.
- IJ are tough ... try the drop test on any other sensor !
- IJ have unique junction mechanics which protect the primary reference from the contamination associated with traditional gel electrodes whilst providing the low maintenance and long life of a refillable sensor.
- The intermediate junction is easily and quickly cleaned and electrolyte renewed to defeat contamination.
- Users can optimise the electrolyte to suit their sample.
- Hardened spear membrane makes it ideal for direct penetration into cheese, cured meats and much more.
- IJ are perfect for non-aqueous measurements and titrations.
- IJ are a safer and more simple choice for replacing calomel sensors. IJ have no hazardous mercury and fit directly into an Eppendorf tube for life science and pharmaceutical applications.
- Highly resistant to clogging from fats, proteins and solids.
- Ground glass annular junction is super-sensitive and time proven in difficult samples.
- Poypropylene or Kynar construction.